Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The doily prom dress

UGH! Has it really been 3 years since I wrote in my blog?  How on earth can I catch you all up to speed?  OH...I know! You can visit my Facebook, now that it has been "Timelined" and my Facebook at can tell you everything that I could have and should have included in my Blog, but didn't.   While you are at it, please visit my crochet page too
And since we have that out of the way I can move on to current business.....

This (photo above) was my labor of love last year for my niece Cora Williams.  It was her prom dress.  My sister, Liesel made the dress underneath, she sewed the doilies around the bodice and from the waist down I joined them together.  The whole project was so much fun to make!  I made 85 doilies but I think we only used about 77.  I enjoyed posting my "Daily Doily" on Facebook.    When it came time to joining the doilies, that was actually the best part.  I had fun 'free forming' to close the gaps.  For example if I had a gap like the one shown below (left) I would make a little flower or doily (right) and add it in.
Voila!  As you can see my photographer Eryn from Relish Photography is absolutely amazing and captured the colors and beauty of this dress that defies imagination!   The photo went a little viral for awhile and got a lot of views and shares!  I told everybody the same thing, "If you can make a doily, you can make this dress."  I was really surprised by the comments that people made about laying in the sand and water with it..... the dress washed up so beautifully that Cora was able to wear it to my parents 60th wedding anniversary.  You can see her on the far right.  The rest of the people in the photo are all my nieces and nephews and 5 of my children. (Mom and Dad in the middle)

I was absolutely thrilled on my birthday (Aug. 16th) when Liesel gave me a large photo of Cora wearing the dress (the one of her jumping).  I had it framed and it makes me smile every time I see it.

I am gearing up to attend my first Knit/Crochet show in Reno this Friday.  I have recruited a friend of mine, to go with me.  I am super excited and I'm sure I will write a Blog post all about it when I get a moment. In the meantime, please feel free to leave me a comment so I know you've been here!

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